Hello Rainbow? It’s Me, Emily.

Landline, by Rainbow Rowell (2014)

Do you ever get so absorbed in a book that it feels like you can’t read fast enough? That you find yourself turning the pages quickly, but then turning back to make sure you read everything because you don’t want to lose a single word?

I feel this way every time I read something Rainbow Rowell has written.

And now I’m feeling the creeping Deathly Hallows hollowness that comes with reading the last thing she’s written. Unlike with Harry Potter, I do have hope that there will be another one eventually, but seeing as Landline has a 2014 copyright date, it might be a while.

This one isn’t even my favorite one she’s written. In fact, I didn’t even really like it that much initially. But Rainbow has a knack for making me certain she’s writing about me, even though none of the plots are remotely like my life nor are her characters similar to me in any sort of tangible way.

Take this one. It follows one week in the life of Georgie McCool, a comedy writer for a TV show (think Tina Fey – at least that’s who I pictured through all this) who has maybe wrecked her marriage and isn’t sure what to do about it. And then her mother’s landline phone becomes a magic portal to the past, connecting her to her future husband at the age of 22 when they almost broke up the first time. And she can use this warped time to either repair or dissolve her future marriage. Sound even remotely like me? Not in the least. And yet…

Please, Rainbow, please, write another of my pseudo-memoirs. I’ll be desperately awaiting.

3 stars, because I can’t get enough. (Btw: Fangirl is the best one.)

Addendum: In case I needed further proof of our entwined souls, here’s this.