Fall Maybes

I’m a little earlier than normal with my seasonal TBR stack, but that’s because I honestly don’t know what the next couple weeks are going to bring… hopefully a baby! I’m 12 days out from my due date for my second kiddo, and as long as he waits till Tuesday when my mom arrives to care for kiddo numero uno, I’ll be happy to have him exit the premises whenever he likes. I reminded myself yesterday that in the weeks leading up to the birth of my first kid, I literally laid around all day, reading or binging television. These days, with a 3 year old, that is not in my daily game plan, and I’m exhausted! That’s also the reason for the change in my title from “Fall Hopefuls” to “Fall Maybes” because, honestly, who knows what I’ll have the capacity to read in the coming months! I just went to my shelves to see what fall-ish books grabbed me, and this is what I came up with! I also would really like to dig into my BOTM backlist, because it’s out of control, but I don’t know that hardcovers with an infant are going to work out well. I have a feeling the majority of my reading will be done on kindle or audio, so we’ll see what the season actually brings!

The Beautiful Mystery, by Louise Penny: Keeping my seasonal Three Pines tradition alive with this next installment, which I grabbed (along with the following one) when going through a used book donation at work the other week! I don’t actually know if this one’s set in the fall, but the next is very clearly set in the winter, so fall it is!

The Mothers, by Brit Bennett: This has been sitting on my bedside table since March, so I kept it in this stack too. Maybe the fact that I’ll be a mother to two will motivate me to finally open it up! I promise, I really want to read it!

Internment, by Samira Ahmed: I was scanning my YA shelf to see what grabbed me, thinking YA might be more my speed this season, and Ahmed’s powerful cover drew me in. A near-future dystopia might be just the ticket to hold my interest this fall (if my hormones can handle it lol).

People Like Us, by Dana Mele: And now for the school settings! Just because I’m entering my 4th fall without going back to school doesn’t mean I don’t still strongly associate the two! Gotta get a couple campus novels in the list, starting with this private school YA murder mystery!

Plain Bad Heroines, by Emily M. Danforth: This one perhaps seems the most unlikely to be read just due to the sheer heftiness of it, but I don’t think one can read this in any season but the fall, so here it sits. Nothing like a dual-timeline spoopy (maybe spooky??) unsolved boarding school mystery to spice up the fall reading lineup.

A Little Hope, by Ethan Joella: This was the only backlist BOTM I purposefully pulled out for the stack, because its cover suggests that it too can only be read in the fall. Those gorgeous fall leaves have me pining for cooler weather, and its slim size makes me think it will be doable!

The Other’s Gold, by Elizabeth Ames: My final campus novel on the stack! I’ve had this on my list since it came out in 2019, and despite its pretty low Goodreads rating (3.21??), several of my trusted recommendation sources loved it!

Evvie Drake Starts Over, by Linda Holmes: I pulled this off the shelf this summer, thinking romances are always good summer reads, but then noticed it starts in the fall, so I saved it till now! Having something light in the lineup will be good for me too.

So there it is! My possibility pile for fall that may or may not get a single book read off of it by winter! Que sera!

Happy fall reading, bookish friends! What’s your fall reading plan?

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