Review: The Nature of the Beast

The Nature of the Beast (Chief Inspector Gamache #11), by Louise Penny (Minotaur 2015)

First line: “Running, running, stumbling, running.”

You guys, I’ve read my favorite Three Pines book yet.

Set almost exclusively in the village of Three Pines, this 11th book in the series has an excellent central mystery as well as continued superb character development. (The relationship between Gamache and Beauvior is just too much for this tender heart. I love them so.) There’s not much I can go into, being so far along in the series, but the story starts with a boy who cried wolf, or in this case, a boy who cried giant gun in the woods, and because of his fanciful storytelling, no one believes him. But a giant gun he did indeed find, and the whole village might pay for not believing him.

I love where our main characters are in their lives at this point, and I’m so curious how Penny will keep their development going as she continues to write more books in this series.

I’ve had a lot of 4 and 4.5 stars in this series, but this is the first time I’ve given a Penny book 5 stars. The moments that had me melting and the moments that had my heart racing were too numerous to count, and I’m so delighted by them all.